Création et administration de sociétés en Suisse, expertise transfrontalière


RISTER en chiffres

de Conformité Fiscale: Nous rendons la conformité fiscale aussi simple qu'un clic. Expertise transfrontalière.
3 locations
of Prestige Domiciliation: Geneva, Luzern and Zug.
Accounting & Taxation
Confiance certifiée par Fiduciaire Suisse, nous faisons le travail, vous récoltez les bénéfices. Conseils stratégiques.

Gestion de +250 Salaires Mensuels : Confiez-nous la paie concentrez-vous sur votre entreprise.
our expertise

Your trusted fiduciary in Geneva

Your expert
Andrés Taracido
Customized expertise for your company

At RISTER, your company benefits from customized support, from incorporation to financial management.

Our financial, tax and accounting experts are dedicated to the success of your business in Switzerland and provide you with personalized legal and tax advice.

A complete service for your success
Everything under one roof
From start-up advice to accounting, administrative management and taxation, we cover all the key aspects for the success of your business.
Support at every stage of the process

What they say about us

Approved by our customers

Frequently Asked Questions

What fiduciary services does RISTER offer?

RISTER, a Geneva-based fiduciary company, offers a wide range of fiduciary services, including accounting, personal and corporate taxation, and business start-up advice. Its team of experts is also dedicated to managing your company's administration, collecting withholding taxes, registering for VAT and much more.

What tax expertise does RISTER offer?

RISTER's tax expertise covers both cantonal and federal tax matters. They can assist clients with wealth and inheritance transactions, VAT declaration and settlement, and tax planning. They also provide advice on withholding tax, stamp duty and other Swiss and European tax issues.

RISTER's expertise in legal advice

RISTER has extensive experience in providing legal advice, including drafting employment contracts, drafting your company's articles of association and managing litigation. The firm's expertise also extends to matrimonial and inheritance law, corporate law, employment law, and many other areas of administrative law.

How does RISTER manage payroll and human resources?

RISTER provides comprehensive payroll and human resources management solutions, including social security affiliation, work and residence permit applications, and monthly payroll. They also provide assistance with social security and pension obligations, as well as preparing files for social security audits and inspections.

What type of accounting monitoring is provided by RISTER?

When it comes to accounting services, RISTER organizes and maintains your company's accounts, whether in Switzerland or abroad. RISTER's services include assistance with closing accounts, consolidating accounts and preparing balance sheets.

What company domiciliation services does RISTER offer?

Company domiciliation is another service offered by RISTER. They offer a prestigious address in Geneva, Luzern or Zug for the domicile of your company. Services include managing your mail, receiving registered mail and forwarding it to your desired address.

What is the audit mandate at RISTER?

RISTER offers an audit mandate in accordance with ASR standards. This service is particularly useful for companies whose balance sheet or turnover reaches certain thresholds. RISTER's partner auditors provide an expert review of your financial statements and can perform various types of audits, ranging from full audits to limited audits and voluntary audits.



Le bilan comptable suisse est un document financier clé qui récapitule les actifs, les passifs et les fonds propres d'une entreprise à un moment précis. Il offre une vue d'ensemble de la situation financière de l'entreprise, facilitant l'évaluation de sa santé économique. Le bilan est structuré en deux parties principales : les actifs (ce que l'entreprise possède ou a droit de recevoir) et les passifs (ce qu'elle doit). Ce document est essentiel pour les décisions de gestion, la planification financière et le respect des obligations réglementaires en Suisse.

Contact us
We look forward to hearing from you
Rue Adrien-Lachenal 26
1207 Geneva
+41 (0)22 566 82 45
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